BRAINWASH—Rewrite Your Story
with Christ as the Author
Life lies to us through our experiences, the negative voices of others, the media, and the enemy of our souls. These lies write a “story” that we rehearse in our minds, often without realizing it. But when you bring your thoughts into agreement with God’s Word—when His Truth is your truth—you take all the limits off your life. You open the doors of your mind, heart, spirit, will, actions, and destiny to all that Heaven holds for you.
Brainwash Master’smind
More than a Mastermind! Join Ashli for 5 inner healing sessions for the complete Brainwash process, all from the convenience of where you are through Zoom! (Complete Brainwash Guide included.) Rewrite your story with His story! If you are ready for growth, inner healing, and life change, register today. This will be restricted to a small number of participants so Ashli can facilitate your process closely.
There’s no need to stumble through life without experiencing the peace, true purpose, confidence, or satisfaction God has provided for you. Life’s disappointments, traumas and dramas often speak lies over us. Unfortunately, we repeat these lies and they become “our story.” We lose sight of the blessing and beauty of our divine destiny and who God says we are. The Brainwash Inner Healing Retreat is a luxury healing retreat like nothing else! Escape for 2.5 days of joy, friendship, prayer, worship, fun, laughter and pampering. Make His Story your story.
Make God’s Truth your truth. Use this interactive inner healing guide to tear down lies and fully believe 5 life changing truths from 1 Peter:
You are completely accepted.
You are extremely valuable.
You are eternally loved.
You are totally forgiven.
You are fully capable.
In Christ, you are more than what life has told you you are. Let Him rewrite your story with His perfect Truth today.
This Guide will walk you through 5 complete inner healing sessions, the same work that Ashli leads in the Brainwash Retreats.
9x11, 124 pages